Flutter Apps

Digitize your Business with a Flutter App

Turn your ideas into resounding successes, gain freedom, and leave a lasting impact.
Become the entrepreneur you've always wanted to be.
All thanks to a Flutter App.

Woman laughing while on laptop

Do your teams need better processes?

Improve internal communication and automate repetitive tasks to increase the productivity of your teams and your business.

The Result: a more efficient and happier team, which translates into better profitability.

Start Digitalizing

Do you really want to stand out from the competition?

An app gives you a real competitive edge, significantly strengthening your brand image and creating a substantial barrier to entry for your competitors.

The Result: a reinforced market position and an increase in your customer base.

Start Now
Young woman smiling while on laptop

Discover our Clients Success-Stories

Eat Easy

Easy Islam

Easy Paies

We have reimagined local delivery

More than just a delivery service, Livroux is the solution that allows residents of rural and less populated areas to access the comfort of big cities, all at equally accessible prices.

Growth in one year
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We have digitized a national level union

As part of the digital transformation of Stellantis France sites, the CFTC union of the group has decided to modernize its processes by providing its members with an application that allows them to communicate more effectively.

Employees Impacted
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We have redesigned the daily life of everyone

Huoltu is a customizable intervention management solution designed to simplify the daily tasks of field and support teams. It provides improved information exchange, reducing friction and making the support process smoother and more efficient.

Innovative features
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We have built a regional challenge

Every year, the City of Strasbourg organizes an inter-company challenge promoting the use of bicycles, thereby encouraging employees in the Grand Est region to increase their physical activity and reduce their CO2 emissions.

Registered companies
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The App Company
The App Company
The App Company
The App Company

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