
Digitize your business and outperform the competition

Improve your processes, internal communication, and offer a unique mobile experience to your customers — all thanks to an app.

Are you struggling to attract new customers?

A customized app can help you create an exceptional user experience that not only attracts new customers but also retains them.

The Result: increased conversion rates and revenue.

Discover How
Man with headphones on computer in dark room
Woman laughing while on laptop

Do your teams need better processes?

Improve internal communication and automate repetitive tasks to increase the productivity of your teams and your business.

The Result: a more efficient and happier team, which translates into better profitability.

Start Digitalizing

Do you really want to stand out from the competition?

An app gives you a real competitive edge, significantly strengthening your brand image and creating a substantial barrier to entry for your competitors.

The Result: a reinforced market position and an increase in your customer base.

Start Now
Young woman smiling while on laptop
The App Company
The App Company
The App Company
The App Company

Why an App?

And Why You Should Create One for Your Business

Infinite Scalability

Scale without limits, from a few users to millions, without friction.

Better Engagement

Hold your customers' attention longer and easily increase your revenue.

Competitive Advantage

Get a head start; be your customers' first choice.

User Experience

Provide a smooth and intuitive interface, converting visitors into loyal customers.

Economies of Scale

Reduce your costs per user as you grow, maximizing your margins.

Geographical and Temporal Freedom

Operate from anywhere, 24/7, and reach a global market.

Meet MI 1.0 For Business

And how will the evolution of your business unfold, from idea to launch.

Get Started Now
1. Welcome aboard!
1h 00m

The adventure begins!

It's time to kick things off. This first step aims to welcome you to our fold and introduce you to what will be your new journey for the coming months.

You'll be warmly greeted by our team, who will have the opportunity to introduce you to the tools at your disposal and the progression of your project.

2. Launch Report
1 week

Shortly after your welcome call, you will receive your Launch Report, in which you can find all the details of your project:

  1. The functional description
  2. 3 design variations
  3. And the provisional schedule
3. Development of your app
3-6 mo.

It's finally underway!

Our technical team begins the development of your app as outlined in your Launch Report.

Every week, you receive a weekly report directly in your Client Dashboard, detailing the progress made. You also regularly receive test versions to check on the progress of your project and provide us with feedback.

4. Preparation and Publication of your app
2 weeks

Your app is finally ready!

A few weeks prior, we start preparing the publication elements: AppStore and PlayStore listings, mockups, optimized descriptions, etc.

Then, we handle the publication of your app and the direct communications with Apple and Google.

5. Technical Support and Maintenance
90 days

Because a professional application must be functional under all circumstances, we offer you 3 months of free Technical Maintenance and Support.

Following this complimentary warranty period, you can choose to subscribe to one of our maintenance plans for extended support.

Bonus 1. Coaching and Monitoring
6 mo.

Throughout our collaboration, you have access to monthly coaching sessions that aim to:

  • Track the progress of the project
  • Support you in growing your app
  • Advise on strategies to adopt
  • Educate you about the world of apps

The goal: to be by your side for all the important steps of your project.

The businesses we help generate up to $500,000 per year.

Because MI 1.0 For Business is more than just code.


Observed Profitability


Apps Published


Users Total across apps


Generated in 2022

Take the Leap Now

Start your transformation today. Don't let the future wait for you.

Create My App
"Delivery on time, weekly progress tracking, advice... All the appeal that Easy-Paies generates would not have been possible without their professionalism and guidance."
Guillaume D., Easy-Paies
Young woman smiling while on laptop


How much does it cost to create an app?
The cost of creating an app can range from a few thousand to several hundred thousand, depending on the complexity and level of refinement of the project.

Fortunately, if it's a unique project, it's possible to test the idea at a lower cost to validate its concept using various methods, such as no-code, as described in our Bootstrap 0 Training (available soon).

And for enterprise applications, the costs are generally quickly offset by the gains in productivity or customer base generated by the solution.
How long will it take to develop my app?
Developing an app can take up to 6 months depending on the level of complexity. You can find all the information directly in the Steps section.
On which platform will my app be available?
As soon as you make your discovery call, your advisor will scope out your project. Our team will then determine the platforms on which it would be most prudent to publish your app.
Do I own the code and data of my app?
Of course! Once the project is completed and you have paid all the installments, you become 100% owner of the source code, data, and intellectual property of the work done.
What revenue can I expect with a mobile app?
While we'd love to promise you unimaginable numbers, the outcome depends on several factors, including the business model, marketing, your personal involvement, or simply market realities.

On average, 90% of our apps have been profitable in the first year, with a large portion becoming so in less than 6 months.

Many of our clients now rely entirely on their mobile app for their income, and numerous businesses have seen significant growth in productivity, communication, or customer base since implementing their mobile app.
I'd like to get more information / get a quote.
Our experts are available 7 days a week to answer all your questions. You can book a call at any time with one of our advisors right above.
Can I pay in installments?
Of course. Each of our programs has a certain number of payment stages to minimize your initial investment as much as possible. Please consult your advisor for more details.
Is my app insured in case of bugs?
Yes. We automatically offer a warranty period for each of our programs, which protects you against any bugs or malfunctions encountered during the first few weeks of your app's launch. You also have the option to extend your warranty period at your convenience. More information is available from your advisor.
I'm not sure if this is right for me.
No problem. We understand that each client has specific and different needs.

Throughout the app creation process, we work closely with you to ensure that the solution produced perfectly aligns with what you are looking for. If you have any questions before getting started, schedule a discovery call with one of our advisors right above. They will answer all your questions and help you determine if our programs are right for you.